While the name may give you the impression this “looker” was a princess… nothing could have been further from the truth. Diva thought life was best when experienced at the speed of light, and a little mud, snow, rain, and general ugly conditions didn't get in her way. That’s probably why Diva received two Prize II’s in Natural Ability. Both times she received a three in search… not too many puppies run too big and hunt too hard at five months of age. Yep...she wasn't much of a princess.
When she was a pup, you could feel the amount of unbridled energy in Diva. While it proved to be annoying sometimes, her nonstop energy made her a quick speed in the training department. Diva was a natural retriever but we decided to force break her early to take the “edge” off. She had all of her obedience nailed by the time she was 10 months old. Even more impressive is that she was so cooperative that she maintained her prey drive throughout the process.
Her speed and grace in the field mirrored that of her father; and like INT CH, VC Sharp Shooters Prairie Dancer MH, she too was a “duck dog.” Birds were what Diva lived for and sometimes it seemed not much else mattered; unless she was snuggling with the kids in front of the TV.
Diva’s first litter with INT CH, VC Shooting Starrs Sharp Shooter MH earned a NAVHDA Natural Ability AND a Utility Breeder Award in the same year, all before they were 20 months of age and went on to receive an Invitational Breeders Award. Every puppy tested earned a Prize I in their Natural Ability and Utility tests, many handled by novices or first time NAVHDA members, and SIX are Versatile Champions. Her litter with INT CH, VC Sharp Shooters Hot Rod MH earned an NA Breeders Award by seven months of age and has earned a UT Breeder Award. Her final litter with VC Roughneck Walk the Line has also earned an NA Breeder Award.